Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Late Summer Decor

FIRST - Great news! I got the biopsy results from my surgery last week, and I'm happy to say that the lump on my throat is officially NOT cancer and they don't even think it warrants another surgery at this time. In fact, they don't even think it is related to my symptoms anymore, but they think it all stems from some stomach issues (go figure). That being said, I'm just continuing on medication and a super strict diet, and I'm starting to feel better and better each day! I'm just so happy to have turned the corner and on my way to being healthy again!

Anyway, on to decorating news ;) I have my "late summer" decor out, because I'm super excited for fall but Evan would kill me if I said I were already decorating for fall tso early!
Typically I'm drawn to golds and oranges this time of the year, but right now I'm really loving plum, navy, and dark green. SO - this is what I've got going on:

FYI - The candlesticks (which I'm obsessed with), candles, and jars are all recent purchases from Pottery Barn.

The (fake) foliage is from Hobby Lobby. I love the mossy look with the spikey purple flowers.

Below is Tucker on his perch. He sits here all day!

With all the dust settling in the kitchen, I got really sick of cleaning off the chairs so they are in the basement until the kitchen renovation is DONE! A girl can only dust so much, lol :) 


  1. love those colors...and there will be time enough for fall colors...I too was tempted to get them out...what with all the hurried decorations at the store...and my desire..my deep desire for autumn coolness to arrive...but we must wait

    and....answered prayer
    are you going wheat free?
    hug for wellness

  2. So glad to hear you're doing better and that you received such good news! Your home looks beautiful as always, and I am anxious to put out my new autumn towels and a few decorations I've found recently. ;)

  3. Where did you get the white curtains that are in your living room? They are just what I am looking for. Thank you. LEK

  4. paint color, please? love it!

  5. Hello! Thanks for the kind words :) New diet includes no chocolate, no caffeine, no carbonated beverages, no citrus or citric acid of any kind, no tomato, no mint, no fatty foods, no juice.. Mostly I have to eat very bland/non-acidic foods, including cereal, salads, bread, apples, bananas, broccoli, eggs, cous cous, spinach... It is difficult! I've already lost almost 7 pounds in 3.5 weekss (although some of that was probably from having no appetite period for awhile!)

    The white curtains are the "Peyton Grommet Drape" from Pottery Barn. I got 96" drapes and then had them hemmed to 90" :)

    The pain color in the living room is Martha Stewart's "Flagstone" from Home Depot, and the paint color in the dining room is Martha Stewart's "Falcon".


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