Friday, September 14, 2012

Deck Paint Color - Help!

Our city does exterior inspections every few years, and gives homeowners 30-days to fix all violations. We were lucky and only had two:

1) Trim the trees above our garage
2) Refinish the deck (paint or stain)

Trimming the trees was easy, but the thing about the deck is that we plan on replacing it next year! Not that my city cares about this. Anyway, for a quick, inexpensive fix, we decided to paint the deck with "Restore" paint. A couple of my neighbors with the same violations have already done this, and let me tell you it doesn't look too bad at all! In fact, I'm getting really excited painting ours!

The problem is - what color should I choose?

Here is a picture of the house and the only current picture I have of the deck (or a corner of the deck, I should say!)

(I should metion I hate the color of the deck currently. It is practically red!)

And here are the paint color options:


Cape Cod Gray





Obviously I'm leaning towards something more in the gray family. I like the idea of contrasting a little bit with the house. Originally I thought I wanted a brown, but I just hate the look of brown paint, so I'm going this route. Or do you like the fieldstone? Let me know your thoughts! I hope to buy the paint after work today and start painting tomorrow.. Our 30 days is rapidy running out!


  1. I like the cape cod gray and the fieldstone. I look forward to seeing the finished product!

  2. I like the granite grey - I actually used this on one of our porches and it is pretty nice. You don't really want to walk on it bare foot because its rough. Good luck! Can't wait to see what color you decide.

  3. I would pick the granite gray! Good luck!!

  4. I've definitely been leaning towards the Granite too! :) I'm so happy to hear that from you all as well! (That's why I listed it first) hehe

  5. So funny - my husband just painted our deck with this! We went with Granite, and I have to warn you - it's MUCH lighter than the sample picture suggests. Almost lighter than even the Cape Cod Gray picture. I should send you a picture. For you, it could be nice with the white house, but our house is a medium gray and it just looks "off" if you know what I mean. It's fine for a temporary solution, and will hopefully look nicer once the new railings are white, but sigh...

  6. Thanks for the insight Carolyn - that is CRAZY! It looks so rich and dark in the picture.. **IF** you have a picture handy and could send it to me, I'd totally appreciate it!! :)

    Maybe I'll try to buy a sample first? Not even sure if thats possible, but now you have my wheels turning!

  7. We manage rental homes, and it does seem that deck colors that look dark-ish usually seem lighter on application. I like the Granite in the photo, but it may truly end up too light. I think I would also consider Charleston. :-)

  8. We had a Trex Deck put in 2 years ago. All we have to do is mop it.
    Also all our rails are vinyl including the steps.


  9. With your white sidings, I’d say Cape Cod Gray or Granite would look wonderful. But if you want a darker shade of Gray, go with Gray or Pewter. Hope you were able to use this opportunity to try out colors for your prospective deck you had planned for this year. Good luck, and have at it!

    CentraPro Painters


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