Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I was supposed to have 9 people coming into town this weekend to celebrate Easter, and I was soo looking forward to it.. But unfortunately, the cold/flu virus had other plans! So many of us were sick (including myself) that we ended up having to cancel :(

BUT, my house still looked really cute for the holiday regardless! Here are some pics :)

Hope you all had a blessed Easter!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Epic Fail, Pottery Barn!!

Do you see what's wrong with this picture?

I got this beautiful "Happy Easter" banner from Pottery Barn...  Or should I say "Happy Easaer"


Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Snow Showers

I can't believe its March 25th and we have a BLIZZARD going on outside!

We woke up to over four inches of snow, and it is STILL coming down.. horizontally.. Yuck!  At least my house and my street look pretty:

Also, please say a teeny little prayer for my dog Tucker! For the second time in 3-months he has had a big abscess form under his chin. It is mostly just fluid build up (which in the past they've just drained), but this time they did surgery to remove the lymph node to try to keep it from swelling again because he is in so much pain when it does.
Poor guy HATES his cone and is so out of it. I swear you can see a tear in his eye in this picture!! I keep telling myself its all for the best in the long run, but its so hard seeing him in pain. The good news is they did all sorts of lab work and its not cancerous and they've ruled out anything "scary." Now we just need him to heal!
Hope you all are doing great!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rainy Days & Spirit Boosters

Honestly, I've had a bit of a crappy week and was in great need of a spirit booster this morning.

The weather was gray and dreary and so was my attitude... SO, I decided to stop and pick up some fresh flowers for myself AND for the ladies on my team at work to boost EVERYONE's spirits today!

Its still gray outside, but seeing (and smelling!) these beautiful hyacynth did bring a smile to my face! My coworkers seemed thankful too :)

Sometimes the little things go a long way!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bathroom Before & After!

Our feet are totally dragging putting the finishing touches on the bathroom renovation, but as of this week the new mirror is up and we have a fully functional bathroom!

Here is a quick before and after shot:

 I love walking up the stairs, turning the corner and seeing the beautiful bathroom from the hall!

Next week I'll walk you through everything we did and where we got everything :)

This weekend we just need to finish hanging the towel bars, hang the shower curtain, do some touch-up painting, and we'll be officiall DONE! :)

The real question is, what will our NEXT project be?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

HUGE surprise purchase!!!

Oh, based on the title you thought this was going to be a FUN purchase?

If so, you were wrong. Totally NOT a fun purchase :(

I got home from work last Tuesday night and our house was feeling a little on the cold side.  I cranked the furnace up a few more degrees, and all the sudden I hear what sounds like metal popping, whining, and crunching. Low and behold, our furnace sputtered out! Tear!

Early the next day we had 3-different companies come out to look at what was going on, and they ALL came back with the same answer... That there was a huge crack in the heat exchanger, it was dangerous to run, and we needed a new one. It was suuuuuuuper old (27-years!) so I can't say we weren't expecting this! However, I was JUST starting to feel like we were in the clear for this year given that spring is right around the corner! Alas, I spoke too soon.

Since our AC unit is 14-years old, each company told us it is much more efficient (time and money wise) to replace them simultaneously. Again, no surprise. SO, thats what we did.


Even if you are anticipating it and had savings for it like we did, it still is a huge sticker shock. It pretty much made me feel sick to stomach to have to write a check that big for something that you really never think twice about and provides no gratification. (Ok, I was freezing... Feeling heat again was extremely gratifying.. but you know what I mean!)

Anyway, I hope and pray you have a new furnace and AC at your house! If not, I recommend start saving NOW!!!

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